Harbor Stories

Real Patients. Real Stories. Real Care.

Mario’s Bones are Broken, but His Spirit is Not

Mario was born in East L A and grew up in Whittier. His parents worked hard and provided a good home for him and his brother and sister. Mario finished high school and attended some college. He worked many different jobs over the years. ChallengesMario has had some stretches of homelessness since 2016 that he…

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Michelle Finds Refuge from the Dangerous Streets at Harbor Care

Michelle was born and raised in Norwalk. She and her two brothers had a rough childhood. Her father was abusive toward her, so she ran away from home when she was 14 years old. Michelle fell in with the wrong crowd and got into doing drugs. It got worse when she discovered crack cocaine at…

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Alfred Almost Missed Out on His Chance to Recover and Get Off the Streets

Alfred was born in Los Angeles weighing in at just 4 pounds 13 ounces because of his mother’s drug use. His mother was a prostitute and suffered numerous nervous breakdowns. As a result, Alfred was shuffled around to different family members throughout his childhood. Alfred was around drugs and alcohol all his life. He tried…

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David Finds Help After Losing Everything to a Gambling Addiction

David understands gambling better than anyone. He struggled with gambling addiction for years. In two years, he gambled around three million dollars. To make matters worse, David began suffering from multiple mild heart attacks. Doctors told him he needs a bypass. He now finds himself unable to work because of his health.

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Raymone Survives Shooting, Life on the Streets, and Discovers a Higher Purpose

Raymone was dealt a difficult hand in life. His mother experimented with drugs and died when he was 3 years old. He had joined a gang at the age of 14 and had been getting in trouble and spent time in juvenile camps. The gang life was the only life he had known.

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From Homeless to Housed, Debra Moves on From Harbor Care into Her Own Apartment

This has been a tragic and triumphant year for Debra. She had lost her apartment and then ended up in the hospital before making her way to Harbor Care. Debra was able to rest up and get her strength back while our case managers worked on finding her a place to live. Debra needed some…

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After Spending Many Years Living on the Streets, Jason is Looking to Upgrade His Life

After Spending Many Years Living on the Streets, Jason is Looking to Upgrade His Life Jason grew up in Whittier, California in a stable home until his parents divorced after 17 years of marriage. Jason and his brother played little league baseball and went on family camping trips. He had behavioral problems through middle school…

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Kevin Discovers Harbor Care Was What He Needed to Get His Strength Back

Kevin grew up in Chicago in a middle-class family and was involved in a lot of sports; mainly football and swimming. His dad was an alcoholic. Fortunately, his mom was fantastic and keep things stable for him. Kevin described himself as an average student through high school and college. He graduated with his degree in…

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Business Owner Loses Everything to Alcohol Regains His Strength

Former Business Owner Who Lost Everything to Alcohol Regains His Strength and Purpose Jeff grew up in Northern California near Berkley. His father was in the Navy, where he spent 10 years overseas and wasn’t around much. He had a rough family life and at age 17 Jeff was emancipated…

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